What I Offer

Psychological Intervention
I have worked for many years with children, young people and their families. I have experience of working with a range of presenting mental health difficulties but specialise in working with anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and phobias using evidence-based psychological therapy.
Therapy sessions are usually face-to-face however I am also able to offer therapy sessions online via Zoom. My working days are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. I also currently offer a Saturday morning clinic once a month.
I am experienced in working with people who are neurodivergent including supporting people who are Autistic and who have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). I offer behavioural and parenting interventions in the context of these presenting difficulties as well as a solution-focused approach to help people work towards goals that are important to them.
Psychological Assessments
I work alongside a team of multi-disciplinary professionals including Speech and Language Therapists and Clinical Nurse Specialist to undertake comprehensive assessment in both children and adults for neurodevelopmental conditions, such as Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Our assessments use gold-standard assessment tools which are National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) compliant. We produce a detailed assessment report and recommendations for further support for both home and school. Following assessment and diagnosis we can offer a number of educational, behavioural and therapeutic interventions if indicated and can support you through the post-diagnostic journey.

I am also very experienced in undertaking cognitive assessments using standardised assessment tools including the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fifth Edition (WISC-V) in order to assess and determine a child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses. This can be vitally important in understanding how to better support a child within a learning and home environment.
Training and Consultation
I offer consultation and training to schools on a range of mental health difficulties presenting in children and young people as well as specialist training on neurodevelopmental conditions including ASC and ADHD. I am also able to offer group-work within schools.
I currently offer supervision to School Counsellors
in both individual and group format. Supervision is available to a range of professionals either online
or face-to-face.